Dedicated to Pandelune, the author of Orthogone, Murano Fantasy and Reverie.
Also a few Genuary 2023 experiments, and a WIP: Dashboard Dyslexia.


Reverie is a new digital art collection by Pandelune, published on Prohibition.

Reverie by Pandelune

Dashboard Dyslexia

Dashboard Dyslexia is a WIP piece of art by Pandelune.

Dashboard Dyslexia by Pandelune

Genuary 2023

A few Genuary 2023 experiments.

genuary7 by Pandelune

genuary14 by Pandelune

Murano Fantasy

Murano Fantasy is the second NFT collection published by Pandelune.

Murano Fantasy by Pandelune


Orthogone is the first NFT collection published by Pandelune.

Orthogone by Pandelune

About the author

I am Pandelune, the author of Orthogone, Murano Fantasy and Reverie.

As a teen, I was fascinated by the Demoscene, and by computer art in general, especially ray tracing.

When I was in high school, computers were not connected to the internet. I used to develop random based art using whatever language was available on these computers, and let it run for hours, just to impress whoever passed by. Think of random ASCII art. I'm in love with computer graphics and random numbers since then.

Follow Pandelune on twitter.

Pandelune Blaze